Article Processing Charges
Science Park Publisher Article Processing Charge
- Science Park Publisher is open access that provides free and immediate online access to the full text of research papers, distribute, and reuse.
- Science Park Publisher Prompt fast publication and accurate peer review of research papers at a less cost.
- Science Park Publisher covers the costs of journal creation, peer review management, hosting and archiving.
- Our individual publication fees are shown below for researchers who are not currently part of an institutional cooperation arrangement.
- Publication fees are payable upon article acceptance and vary depending on the journal.
- Fees are charged at the applicable rates effective on the submission of your article.
- Most OA journals offset publication expenses – including the cost of peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving – by charging a fee for each article published (APC). Our partnerships with institutions and funders aim to simplify the process for authors and reduce the burden of cost.
- Waivers must be negotiated with the editorial office because they may be granted at the publisher's discretion.
Article Processing Charge waived until 2025
Journal | APC |
Advanced Carbon Journal | 200 USD |
Advanced Storage Energy Materials and Devices | 200 USD |
Integrated Nano | 200 USD |
International Journal of Biomolecular Science and Biotechnology | 200 USD |
Journal of Climate Change Action | 200 USD |
Journal of Veterinary Practice and Health | 200 USD |
Multidisciplinary Materials Chronicles | 200 USD |
Trends in Pharmacology and Drug Delivery | 200 USD |
Physics Horizon | 200 USD |
Agricultural Reports International | 200 USD |
Journal of Agrochemicals and Food Safety | 200 USD |
Journal of Literary Insights and English Linguistics | 200 USD |
Journal of Astrophysics and Space Technology | 200 USD |
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